Day B 2025
general information
Mtb / cross country (xc)
Title: Kids
Description: Traseul KIDS este destinat copiilor cu varsta sub 13 ani aflati la primele participari in cursele de MTB, care inca nu sunt suficient de bine pregatiti pentru a concura in clasamente alaturi
7 km
20 m
Mtb / cross country (xc)
Title: Scurt
Description: Traseul Scurt este destinat copiilor cu varsta sub 13 ani sau riderilor aflati la primele participari in cursele de MTB, care inca nu sunt suficient de bine pregatiti pentru a termina traseul
16 km
40 m
Mtb / cross country (xc)
Title: Standard
Description: Traseul Standard este destinat participantilor peste 14 ani. Toti participantii vor parcurge traseul o singura data
40 km
120 m
Title: E-Bike
Description: Traseul este destinat participantilor peste 14 ani care vor lua startul pe biciclete electrice. Toti participantii vor parcurge traseul Standard o singura data.
40 km
120 m
Escapade in the middle of nature, unique experiences and friendship! At the 11th edition of the Day B, we rediscover the joy of pedaling in nature and raw green of spring, right next to Bucharest. We get back with old friends, breathe fresh air and live the joy of the season start.
We (re) see at the beginning on April 5!
We (re) see at the beginning on April 5!
Information about this event is based on data from the official website or may be provided by the organizer. If this listing is not up to date, please let us know at [email protected] .